Multi Disciplinary Team Meeting
These are now held monthly, it is a video conference where a Doctor or Nurses from the practice are able to suggest a patient they are concerned about that has multiple complex issues. The patient is not involved in the video conference its self. The aim in to generate a regular meeting that is easy for all teams to attend and so everyone can input on patients with multiple complex needs.
What do you need to do to be referred to an MDT?
We need your authorisation in order to refer you for these meeting.
Any of our clinical staff can discuss with you if you are eligible for referral
Sacha oversees the communication for the Practice with Natasha who co ordinates the meeting across West Kent on behalf of the West Kent CCG.
We are one of the first Practice to launch this service to patients. We believe in joined up care being of great benefit to our patients. We believe in the ability for multiple Care Teams coming together regularly to discuss patients. We have also requested the need to review quarterly the patients that have been referred so we can analyse and improve this new service.
The services who make up the core MDT group are:
- Community Nurses
- Complex Care Nurse
- Health & Social Care Coordinator
- Social Services
- Community Adult Mental Health Nurse/Dementia Practitioner
- A Clinician from West Malling Group Practice
There may also be occasions where other professionals may be invited to attend a discussion, if it was relevant to the patients referral. We are also in the near future adding the Hospice Nurses and also a dementia practitioner.